But let me tell you first a little bit of our recent history. Perhaps a bit boring but a not less beautiful story of God’s mercy… and Providence.
I contracted COVID in Africa early last year. The virus attacked my lungs which were then working at only 2%. I received last rites and was intubated. Two weeks later I was transported to Florence, Italy. Connected to machines (ECMO) for 6 months, my stats went up to 20%. Then, when taken off the machines, six months later, they slowly went up to 60% and leveled off completely. My lungs were ruined, and the doctors told me I wouldn’t live with only 60%.
I received last rites for a second time and prepared for my last trip. What an experience that was!!! Real preparation for death. Not only as we say every day in the Hail Mary “… now and at the hour of our death amen…” but real death. Time stops and one is suddenly before the good Lord in all simplicity, no illusions, no excuses, just the pure, beautiful, and liberating truth. Before you…stands only the infinite mercy of the good Lord, and believe me…I begged for it in loud tears. Frightening? Yes and no. No because the Blessed Mother is there. Never had I imagined her sweet and maternal presence to be so comforting. In any case…one will never be the same after that. I surely hope so. One sole truth remains: I’m now living on borrowed time. I will try, with our Blessed Mother’s help, to make the best of it, for the good of the Church and the salvation of souls.
Anyway…the doctors then signaled to unplug the machines, but my good sister Maria, who was there, bravely told the doctors “no, I believe in miracles!” She then went in pilgrimage to Padua to ask St. Anthony for that miracle.
Shortly after, “passing by” was the head of lung transplant center of Siena. He took interest in my case. So…down to Siena I went! (BTW…ambulances are NOT comfortable at all). He took a huge risk. None of his previous COVID patients had survived a double-lung transplant before. But, as he said: it was my only choice.
Two weeks after being on a list, “new” compatible lungs showed up. They were from a lady. The doctors got ready to operate. However, last minute, the head-surgeon, reading the donor’s history, called off the operation. The lungs were good but the woman’s health history… not so good. So… I got back on the waiting list. Another risk, another suspense. One week later “new” lungs showed up. They were from an 18-year-old young man, guess from where? The city of Padua. Excellent lungs. The poor boy did not smoke and had no vices. There could be no better. St. Anthony pulled through once again! The 10-hour operation was a total success, thank God.
Then – the suffering was only beginning – ten long months of physiotherapy. A Chinese torture! I had lost 70lb of muscle tissue. Fast forward…(because this is getting boring) here I am…alive, by the grace of God! Lots to thank You, the Blessed Mother and God and…St. Anthony, and…lots of work to do.
After the “Resurection”…a New Beginning
Now… I beg that you redirect your prayers to the southern hemisphere once again…Brazil, my new assignment. It will be a tough adventure and I’ll confess: I’m afraid and apprehensive. Not only because I am physically debilitated but because we will have to start from scratch. In Africa we had a mission. In Brazil we have nothing. Not even the five loaves and two fishes. But…I love the challenge and I’m inviting you to join me.
God bless you !!!
Conego Henrique Fragelli
R. Duque Estrada, 46 / 706
Rio de Janeiro, RJ – 22451-090
Please use the “Contact Brazil” in the “About” tab to send me an email.